One of the things we need more of in my new day-job is automation, something we were good at in my previous role. To get started with GitHub Actions I have decided to start with linting in one of my repositories, Slurm Helpers, and this post documents the journey to getting that working.

Splitting the code up.

Currently the repository consists of a bunch of Python scripts, however it is porbable that Bash scripts will be added in the future and other languages too. To massively ease the burden of linting each language, I moved the scripts into language-specific directories:

mkdir python
for file in bin/*; do mv $file python/$( basename $file ).py; done
for file in python/*; do ln -s ../$file bin/$( basename $file .py ); done
mkdir bash
touch bash/.gitignore  # To make git keep the directory until we have some bash scripts

I have added the bash directory, even though it is empty in order to setup the bash linter.

Doing the linting

Actions are enabled by default in GitHub, so we just need to create a configuration file and it will automatically start working.

The configuration needs to be in the directory .github/workflows at the top of the repository, so start by creating that:

mkdir -p .github/workflows

Next, we need the configuration. I called it linting.yml.

name: Linting

# When will the action run?
  # Push or pull request events but on for branch 'main'
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

# What will the workflow do?  Jobs can run sequentially or in prallel
  # This workflow is a single job called 'lint'
    # Type of runner to run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Checks out the repository to $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      # Shell linting
      - name: Shell linter
        uses: azohra/shell-linter@v0.4.0
          # This is why we split bash scripts to their own directory
          path: "bash"

      # Python linting
      - name: Python linter
        uses: cclauss/GitHub-Action-for-pylint@0.7.0
          # 'python' is the path to our python files
          args: "pylint python"

Making it pass

The final thing to do, is to fix the linting issues so that the linter no longer complains and change this:

Your code has been rated at -2.73/10

to this:

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10