I switched from Sublime Text, which I have used for many years, to Visual Studio Code (or ‘VS Code’ for short) mainly due to being unhappy with Sublime Text’s new licencing model (which has gone from licences for a particular major version to a subscription model, with a 3 year subscription period). One thing I have missed is Sublime Text’s built-in spell checker but there is a VS Code marketplace extension for that.

So, to enable spell-checking for VS Code - useful if you are using it to write your blog posts!

To install:

  1. Open VS Code
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+X to open the extensions pane
  3. Type code-spell-checker hit enter
  4. Click Install
  5. Wait for it to install
  6. Open settings (Ctrl+,)
  7. Search for cSpell.language
  8. Change from en to en-GB
  9. Close settings and Extension page

I do need to figure out how to port over my other customisations to Sublime Text - mainly a mini collection of code snippets and PEP-8 guides (esp. 2 right-hand markers for comments/string and code).